18 & Up

It has come to Blind Santa’s attention; he likes Premium Cigars. When asked why Blind Santa replied, “The same people who made Aunt Jemima get out of the pancake business, took Frosty the Snowman’s pipe away from him, and took Blind Santa’s pipe as away from him as well.” Blind Santa said to them, “You are not touching my cigars I don’t inhale them, HO, HO, HO, Merry Christmas!”

Blind Santa enjoys premium cigars whether on or off duty. (Complain and you will receive coal)

Blind Santa taking a break away from all the elf noise.
Blind Santa helps however he can.
Cigar Enthusiast endures -22° F to indulge in a cigar at the end of the day.
Blind Santa goes incognito to save the planet. (read the shirt) Any questions? If you want to read the disclaimer on the shirt, order one.

Other Cigar Enthusiasts

Fred Astaire died 6/22/87 at age 88 took 6 cigars with him.

Milton Berle died 3/27/02 at age 93

George Burns died 3/9/96 at age 100

Richard A Overton died 12/27/18 at age 112 smoked a dozen cigars a day.

I am an Ordained Dudeist Priest

What Would the Dude Do?