
Dear Blind Santa,
Love the new site. You know my first Christmas wish is to own a campground. Also, I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
 Rebecca & Keith H.
Blind Santa's reply: 
Dear Rebecca & Keith, 
So glad you stayed in touch with Blind Santa. The two of you are very special people. It's good to know the spirit of Christmas is alive in your hearts. Regarding your Christmas wish you two would make wonderful campground owners. A true joy to all those you know and meet. I am sure that your prayers will make sure God knows of your focused desire to own a campground. Odds are the right campground will present itself and you will not have a hard time receiving the blessing to cover your financial needs to see the campground through to completion. It is difficult to fit a campground into my sleigh, but I will put a prayer in to God, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to help you along the way. In the meantime, don't forget the world loves chocolate chip cookies, for that matter, so do I. 
Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas! 
Blind Santa

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