Full Throttle

Dear Blind Santa,
My name is Larry. I want a boat, a big boat. So, when I play in the tub I can be out on the lake. If you can include scuba divers and maybe a little mermaid that would be so cool. 
Please remember me. 
PS: I have been very good. 

Blind Santa's reply: 
Hello there Larry. How could I ever forget you? I love boating too. In fact, you made me remember what it was like to play in the tub with my boat. In fact, I had scuba divers that jumped into the water from the boat. It was a lot of fun. 
Keep an eye out on Christmas morning. Thanks for letting me know.
Remember being good at Christmas time is one thing but being good year-round is even better. Be sure to help your mom when she needs help around the house or out in the yard. Maybe you could help carry the groceries in. 
Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas Larry,
Blind Santa

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