Margarita Ville

Dear Blind Santa, 
We want a home in Clear Water, Florida.
Fred & Linda
Blind Santa's reply:
Dear Fred & Linda,
It was a pleasure meeting the two of you and learning of your Christmas wish. I don't know what house and on what property you desire in Clear Water, Florida. I will refer you to a higher power. His name is God. He loves to answer prayers. Have faith that is unwavering. Be very specific about what you pray for and with that in mind make your special Christmas request. God loves persistence. He also expects all of us to step up, be bold, not timid, and show our true desires by taking action. This being said, after reaching out to God (by the way, please tell him Blind Santa said "Hello") take action, call a realtor. If you don't know any, Blind Santa does have a connection living in Florida. 
Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas, 
Blind Santa

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