Tag: Christmas

  • More Babies

    More Babies

    Dear Blind Santa, I want a baby doll. Thanks Blind Santa, Lexi Blind Santa’s reply: Dear Lexi, It was a fun to meet you. You have a great spirit about you, there is no doubt you have plenty of love to share with your baby dolls. You are also very good at giving high fives.…

  • Babies


    Dear Blind Santa, I wish for a baby doll. I will name him Grinch. Thank you, Harper Blind Santa’s Reply: Dear Harper, I enjoyed meeting you. Anyone who has enough love in them to want a baby doll you can name Grinch tells me a lot. To know you have enough love in your heart…

  • Weekend Getaway

    Weekend Getaway

    Dear Blind Santa, My Christmas wish is that I can have a weekend or a week away with the love of my life Fred. Just me and Fred, Joyce Blind Santa’s Reply: Dear Joyce, Blind Santa here. It’s great to know that the kid inside you knows and feels love. I am not a travel…

  • Public Notice 12/23/23

    Public Notice 12/23/23

    Blind Santa writes a message to everyone.

  • Full Throttle

    Full Throttle

    Blind Santa writes a reply to a boy who wants a boat.

  • Yippee-Ki-Yay


    Blind Santa’s reply to a boy who wants to be a cowboy.

  • No Tanks

    No Tanks

    Blind Santa writes a reply to the most unusual request.

  • Dolls


    Blind Santa writes a reply to a girl who wants doll babies.

  • 3 Hos

    3 Hos

    Dear Blind Santa, I just need 3 Hos. Hunter B. Click on the title to read Blind Santa’s reply: